Wednesday, November 6, 2019

GHG by Company Size


I have a student looking for Canadian or B.C. stats or “data related to the emissions of greenhouse gases (or carbon footprint) segregated by enterprise size (small, medium, and large)”.

Emissions by industry are easily enough found, but he is particularly interested in the proportion of GHG generated by small, medium and large companies. So I guess I am looking for a breakdown by industry and then company size (not that he seems to concerned with industries).

I don’t think this breakdown exists, but I thought I’d throw my query out to the wisdom of the crowd on this list. Does anyone have a suggestion for where I might look?



Your student might want to look at this interactive dashboard produced by Climate Smart Business:

British Columbia Business Energy and Emissions Profile
(BEEP) dashboard!/vizhome/BritishColumbiaBEEPdashboard-VanCity/BritishColumbiaBEEP

  • ​Tab 4 on the dashboard shows GHG emissions broken down by company size (based on number of employees). You can further slice and dice by BC region and industry.

I haven't been able to determine exactly how they gather their data (aside from the following statement from the website), so your student may want to dig into that.

Unique data
Aggregated from over a decade of engaging SMEs and derived from actual industry-specific business transportation, waste, energy and other greenhouse gas emission sources. BEEPs are about “small data” obtained directly from businesses in a new way.