I have a researcher who is using data on suicide/intentional self-harm to develop models for prediction and prevention. The CCHS and the DAD has taken them most of the way, but they’re also hoping for aggregate data on whether or not someone who has self-harmed and survived intended to die. Apparently they were able to find this information for Australia, and they’re hoping the same is collected and disseminated in Canada (at the country-wide level). I haven’t been able to find anything. Does anyone know if this data available anywhere?
Subject matter has responded with the following:
“The CCHS 2015 – 2016 does include a block of suicide-related questions. This was a theme for this survey. I have attached the questionnaire for the convenience of the client. Kindly have them review the entire SUI block of questions. I think the variables SUI_035 and SUI_040 may speak to their line of questioning. However, the only variables that are available for free through the PUMF are DOSUI, SUI_005 and SUI_010. The client could access data for SUI_035 and SUI_040 through a cost-recovery custom tabulation.
*Note: The original email contained the CCHS 2015-2016 Questionnaire as an attachment.