I know that this has been asked before re: the .prn files, and that you need to edit the SPSS syntax file (.sps) to point to the data file location, and then you can run the syntax within SPSS to load the data.
Looking on the DLI mirror site (under doc -- spss) the .sps files stop in 2000.
Are there any current .sps files for LFS files post 2000 in another location?
To access the SPSS files (.sav’s), use the path on the MAD_DLI safe:
/MAD_DLI/Root/other-products/Labour Force Survey - lfs/1976-2015/data
The folders from 2000 onwards will have SPSS files located therein.
To access the SPSS files (.sav’s), use the path on the MAD_DLI safe:
/MAD_DLI/Root/other-products/Labour Force Survey - lfs/1976-2015/data
The folders from 2000 onwards will have SPSS files located therein.
The .sps for post 1999 LFS data is on the main DLI site at /MAD_DLI/Root/other-products/Labour Force Survey - lfs/1976-2015/doc/spss/lfs-2000-yyyy.sps