Thursday, April 8, 2010

Industry Price Indexes For Chemical Products


I have a patron looking for CMA level data for Ontario for the Industry price indexes for chemical products. Table 329-0049 in E-Stat only provides regions.

Also, they would like electricity consumption and prices by CMA or city in Ontario for 2001-2006. Any suggestions would be appreciated.


Industry price indexes for chemical products are unfortunately not available at the CMA level. Regions are the most detailed level of geography for which the data are available. In addition to the table you have already located (CANSIM table 329-0049), your client may be interested in tables 329-0048 and 329-0039 which offers less geographic details but more commodity detail.

Provincial and regional level data for electric power selling price indexes (non-residential) are available in 329-0050. These are not available at the CMA or city level.

If your client is interested in consumer price indexes (CPI) for electricity, they are available for Ontario in CPI related products such as 326-0021 and 326-0020. The CPI for an aggregate of "water, fuel and electricity" is also available for Ontario and the following urban centres (Ottawa-Gatineau, Ontario part, Toronto, Thunder Bay) in these tables.

Electricity use and demand data are not available at the CMA or city level in our energy-related products. The most detailed level of geography for which use and demand is available are provinces and regions (ex.128-0010, 128-0003, 57-003-XWE).

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