Thursday, April 8, 2010

Release of 2006 Census Maps in the Atlas of Canada (Internet Site)

The Atlas of Canada, produced by Natural Resources Canada, in partnership with Statistics Canada, presents a series of maps and accompanying analysis of national and regional data results from the 2006 Census. The third and last release focuses on educational attainment, location of study, the Aboriginal population, income, as well as age and marital status by gender.

The maps are available on the Atlas of Canada website and are announced on the 2006 Census Spotlight webpage:

Longitudinal Food Insecurity or Food Poverty Candian Survey


A researcher at MRU mentioned that they were looking for a Canadian longitudinal food insecurity or food poverty survey... Does anyone know if such as survey exists, please? Or can the researcher use one of our already existing  DLI surveys?


Variables related to food insecurity are available in the National Longitudinal Survey of Children and Youth (NLSCY - and the National Population Health Survey (NPHS -

However, in order to protect respondents from the disclosure of their identity, recent PUMFs from these surveys aren't available in the DLI collection (they stop in 1998-1999).  If the researcher wishes to use these surveys, he/she could use the synthetic files that are in the DLI collection and request data through remote job submission (important note: Synthetic files contain modified data and must never be used for analytical purposes. The synthetic files should not be used for purposes other than to develop and test the computer programs that are to be submitted by remote job submission.) or access the master files in the Research Data Centres (RDCs).

Other surveys like the Canadian Community Health Survey (CCHS) (and CCHS 2.2 and 3.1 in particular) also include variables on food insecurity.

To quickly browse these variables, you could access the StatCan Nesstar site ( and do an Advanced Search for variables containing the word "food".

I hope that these suggestions are helpful.

Release of a Statistical Portrait of the French-Speaking Immigrant Population Outside Quebec (1991 to 2006)

A Statistical Portrait of the French-Speaking Immigrant Population Outside Quebec (1991 to 2006) is released today. This report concerns French-language immigration outside Quebec and its recent evolution, focusing on its numbers, its geographic distribution and its demographic and social characteristics.

Enclosed is the link to the Spotlight on the Census web page

Comparing Income Statistics from Different Sources: Aggregate Income, 2005

A report entitled Comparing Income Statistics from Different Sources: Aggregate Income, 2005 is being released today. This report compares the aggregate income estimates as published by four different statistical programs.

Enclosed is the link to the Spotlight on the Census web page

Industry Price Indexes For Chemical Products


I have a patron looking for CMA level data for Ontario for the Industry price indexes for chemical products. Table 329-0049 in E-Stat only provides regions.

Also, they would like electricity consumption and prices by CMA or city in Ontario for 2001-2006. Any suggestions would be appreciated.


Industry price indexes for chemical products are unfortunately not available at the CMA level. Regions are the most detailed level of geography for which the data are available. In addition to the table you have already located (CANSIM table 329-0049), your client may be interested in tables 329-0048 and 329-0039 which offers less geographic details but more commodity detail.

Provincial and regional level data for electric power selling price indexes (non-residential) are available in 329-0050. These are not available at the CMA or city level.

If your client is interested in consumer price indexes (CPI) for electricity, they are available for Ontario in CPI related products such as 326-0021 and 326-0020. The CPI for an aggregate of "water, fuel and electricity" is also available for Ontario and the following urban centres (Ottawa-Gatineau, Ontario part, Toronto, Thunder Bay) in these tables.

Electricity use and demand data are not available at the CMA or city level in our energy-related products. The most detailed level of geography for which use and demand is available are provinces and regions (ex.128-0010, 128-0003, 57-003-XWE).

Women 50+ Having Babies


I can't find statistics on numbers of Canadian women who have babies over the age of 50 years. (I'm not surprised by this, maybe I should be?) The student has actually asked for statistics on postmenopausal women which have sought out IVF assistance.

CANSIM provides data for women up to age 49.


I am sharing an off-list suggestion with the rest of the dlilist as it may be of interest to others:

"The UN Statistics Division demographic yearbook historical supplement published in December of 1999, includes a table of live births to women over 50, for Canada, annually 1948-1995. My guess (...) is that later issues of the DY will include later years:"

I would also be happy to ask the division that publishes our vital statistics birth data firm if birth data for women over 49 is available as a custom product if you think that this could be of interest to your student. As you mentioned, these data don't seem to be available in our published products.

Adolescent Cancer Rates By Health Region In Alberta or Canada


I am looking for adolescent cancer rates by health regions in Alberta or health regions in Canada. The 4 types of cancer for which I need this information, include:

Hodgkins Lymphoma
Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma

The last 2 can be combined.

I have been looking at the Canadian Cancer registry and the Alberta Cancer Registry and the Public Health Agency of Canada. However, would this be something Stats Can could provide as a custom tabulation, or for free?


The annual provincial-level data you have located on the PHAC website in Cancer Surveillance On-line appear to be more detailed than the rates for specific cancers in young adults by age groups that would be available as a custom tabulation from Statistics Canada.

As I mentioned when we spoke earlier today, our contacts explained that it can be difficult to release figures on cancer in young people in custom tables and respect confidentiality. They mentioned that the following source from the Canadian Cancer Society might also be of interest: "Canadian Cancer Society's (CCS) booklet from last year 'Canadian Cancer Statistics: 2009' pp 49-52 where the special topic was Cancer in Adolescents and Young Adults. Further information can be found on their website:".

I hope that this information is helpful. Please do not hesitate to let me know if you have any other questions or if you would like to look into requesting custom tables (in which case I can refer you to an Account-Executive).

2006 Census Statistics By Health Regions - Which Source to Use?


I have run into a problem checking 2006 Census stats by health regions across two different sources.

Which source should we use? For example …

Population by health region

Census Indicator Profile, 2006

table 109-0300 CANSIM
2006 Community Profiles
Eastern Regional IHA-Integrated Health Authority Network

(Newfoundland and Labrador)
Zone 6, (Nova Scotia)387,935391,639
Region 1 (New Brunswick)188,355191,860
Region 2 (New Brunswick)167,765169,765

Many thanks for any help or background information.


The total population figures in the CANSIM table are based on 20% data while the population counts in the 2006 Community Profiles are based on 100% data (notes from the products follow). I spoke with Michel and he explained that 20% data, from the long form, excludes residents of institutions and that the researcher can decide which is most appropriate for him/her in this case.