Friday, January 30, 2009

Population Estimates at CSD Level

A researcher at McMaster is looking for Population estimates, by CSDs in Ontario, for years 1998, 1999, 2000 and 2001, based on 1996 Census geography. I was able to find the data at CD and CMA level along with Provinces and Territories but not at CSD level. Does anyone know where to look for this data? Thanks in advance for any help.


The division has provided the following, very detailed response to your question:

"Population estimates for census subdivisions are produced on a cost recovery basis. These are not part of any products such as publications, CD-ROMs offered by the division. This information could be made available at a cost but you need to take into account the following:

- the data would represent preliminary figures available at the time of release. No revisions would be applied therefore the total would not sum up to the provincial total for the same year based on the same geography. I'll try to explain:

Updating population estimates between censuses entails the use of data from administrative files or surveys. The quality of population estimates therefore depends on the availability of a number of administrative data files that are provided to Statistics Canada by Canadian and foreign government departments. Since some components are not available until several months after the reference date, three kinds of postcensal estimates are produced: preliminary postcensal (PP), updated postcensal (PR) and final postcensal (PD). The time lag between the reference date and the release date is three to four months for preliminary estimates and two to three years for final estimates. Though it requires more vigilance on the part of users, the production of three successive series of postcensal estimates is the strategy that best satisfies the need for both timeliness and accuracy of the estimates.

The provincial estimates as well as the CMA, CD and ER estimates would have gone through the process of revisions but not the CSD estimates based on the 1996 Census.

Here are the cost quotes:

Total population estimates for all CSDs in Ontario for the years 1998 to 2001 based on the 1996 Census adjusted for net census undercoverage: $3,790 + applicable taxes.

Population estimates by age and sex for all CSDs in Ontario for the years 1998 to 2001 based on the 1996 Census adjusted for net census undercoverage: $4,500 + applicable taxes."

This request could not be produced until July 2009."

If your client is interested in purchasing the data, please let me know.

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