With great excitement, a grad student here just introduced me to the
Has everyone else heard about this already, except me? From all appearances
it seems that this database makes possible direct comparisons of the data
for CMA's and CSD's for the 1996, 2001 and 2006 Censuses.
The grad student is part of a collaborative research group here in Montreal
with Prof's from Concordia and U de M who are extremely interested in the
potential of this data. They have the following
1. Is it the case that that boundaries for the included geographies are
adjusted -- (e.g. to those of 2006?)
Or is this just a compilation of census data, for places "with the same
name", just using numbers directly as generated in the original census (i.e.
disregarding any changes of boundaries)?
2. Is there an ASCII version of this data set to which researchers can have
access? [The grad student has been downloading sections into Excel, but
this is extremely tedious, as their project involves all of Canada.]
It appears that Agriculture Canada was involved. Perhaps we should be
contacting them?
Thanks for any enlightenment anyone has on this project.
You are right, this is a good source of info. A lot of work was done by the
Rural Secretariat to come up with this site and the if you see below under
DATA SOURCES AND LICENSE, this describe the use that can be made of these
The Community Information Database (CID) is a free internet-based resource
developed to provide communities, researchers, and governments with access
to consistent and reliable socio-economic and demographic data and
information for all communities across Canada.
The CID was developed by the Rural Secretariat in collaboration with the
provinces and territories, other government departments, and community
The CID provides:
Access to over 500 pieces of data about your community or region, including:
population, education, income, employment, families, and much more
An interactive map for displaying and accessing data
A tool for you to learn more about rural Canada
CONTACT US: (any questions concerning this site should be directed to the
Rural Research and Analysis Unit:
The Rural Secretariat is a focal point for the Government of Canada to work
in partnership with Canadians in rural and remote areas to build strong,
dynamic communities. Located in Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, it:
provides leadership and coordination for the Canadian Rural Partnership;
facilitates liaison and creation of partnerships around rural issues and
promotes dialogue between rural stakeholders and the federal government; and
develops tools and information for rural Canadians.
The Community Information Database is an evolving tool designed to provide
rural Canadians with easily accessible economic, demographic, and social
data at the community level. We welcome your thoughts on how to make the
Community Information Database more responsive to your needs.
Please forward any questions you may have about us or the site, to: or write us:
Rural Research and Analysis Unit
Rural Secretariat, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada
560 Rochester Street, Tower 1, 6th Floor
K1A 0C5
Ottawa, Ontario
Tel.: 1-888-781-2222
Most of the data and indicators in the Community Information Database come
from Statistics Canada’s 1996, 2001, and 2006 Census of Population.
Statistics Canada information is used with the permission of Statistics
Canada. Users are forbidden to copy the data and disseminate them, in an
original or modified form, for commercial purposes, without the expressed
permission of Statistics Canada.
Information on the availability of the wide range of data from Statistics
Canada can be obtained from Statistics Canada's Regional Offices, their Web
site at, and their toll-free access number
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