Wednesday, January 23, 2008

MIZ Areas


I have a researcher who wants to look at 2001 census data by Census Metropolitan Area and Census agglomeration Influenced zones (MIZ). I found the following table:

Cat #95F0495XCB2001012 - Cumulative Electronic Components of Profiles, 2001 Census

This table does break down the census data by the 4 MIZ categories (strong, moderate, weak, no MIZ) within a province. However, this researcher would like to find a table which shows the census data for the specific MIZ subdivisions for each corresponding CMA and CA. Is there such a table or would this require a custom tabulation?


The percentages of the employed labour force living in a particular CSD outside CMAs and CAs and working in the urban core of any CMA/CA are combined to determine the degree of influence that one or more CMAs/CAs have on that CSD. The data is not a one-to-one correlation between one CSD and one CMA. For background information, consult the Statistics Canada Web site ( to download a free copy of the Geography Working Paper entitled Census Metropolitan Area and Census Agglomeration Influenced Zones (MIZ): A Description of the Methodology, Catalogue No. 92F0138MIE.

They also confirmed that the data the client is looking for is not available in a standard product. If your client would like to describe further what he is trying to achieve, our contacts offered to continue to look into this in order to see if they could produce a custom product for him. They mentioned that this type of custom request would involve geocoding which could be very expensive (they didn't specify how expensive).

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