Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Annual Survey of Manufactures Data


An Economics grad student would like to find firm level data from the Annual Survey of Manufactures. The data in CANSIM seems to be at the industry level, by province. Is it possible for us to acquire firm level data such as are used in this article?


The author division for the Annual Survey of Manufactures could provide you with outputs and inputs based on the Standard Classification of Goods (SCG) as a custom tabulation (for a fee).

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

More Detailed University and College Academic Staff System (UCASS) Data


An administrator here is looking for some data from UCASS that is more detailed than what she's already been able to obtain. Specifically, she's looking a version of the following table:
Table 2
Number of Full-Time University Teachers by Region, Field,
Highest Earned Degree, Staff Functions, Rank, Sex and
Median Age, 2004-2005

disaggregated by university. The statement about disclosure control in the IMDB suggests that it is at least possible (with the consent in writing of each institution involved) -- or am I reading this wrong? If this is possible, what should she do to get the ball rolling?


The Centre for Education Statistics can produce this table for you with a breakdown by institution on a custom basis. There would be a cost of $300 for the table and they would require 5-10 working days for processing once the order is placed.

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Education/Occupation/Industry Data


An MBA student is looking for two types of data:

1) Field of study as a student vs. occupation in labour force. I checked one of the National Graduates Surveys, and this data seems to be collected, but the occupation data is suppressed. Is there any way for this student to get these figures other than going to an RDC? If RDC is the only way to get this data, would Remote Data Access be a possibility?

2) Migration of workers from the paper industry (NAICS 3221). Something that shows workers in this field a year or two or five down the road and in what industry they are now working. (Kind of like the mobility data in the Census, except this would be for type of work (preferably by NAICS).


The Centre for Education Statistics has said that "There is no way of getting the occupation variable except through the RDCs and right at the moment we do not offer Remote Data Access due to shortage of staff."

After searching the collection for a survey that would provide mobility data (by NAICS) over time for workers in the paper industry (NAICS 3221), an appropriate source could not be located.

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Sexual Assault Data


A student needs data for the last 10 yrs, for all cases of rape reported, the day and the time of the incidence.

I've looked at Crime Statistics in Canada (2006) and am wondering if I can get this information from the incident-based microdata version of the UCR survey.

Do we have access to this version of the UCR survey through DLI ?


We have Uniform Crime Reporting Survey (UCR) data on sexual assault offences for the last 10 years in the DLI collection but these data don't include information about the day or time of the assaults.

When I asked the Canadian Centre for Justice Statistics about your request, they explained that there were changes to the Criminal Code of Canada in 1983 which removed rape and introduced a three tiered structure of sexual assault offences. So from 1983 onwards, the UCR provides data on sexual assault offences levels I, II and II. Our contact described the three levels as follows: "'Sexual Assault' offences, Level I (sexual assault - the most minor level), Level II (sexual assault with a weapon - serious injury to victim) and Level III (aggravated sexual assault - grievous injury to the victim)".

A table can be created by the Canadian Centre for Justice Statistics using UCR data that details the number of incidents and rate per 100 000 population of sexual assault offences (Level I, II and III) in Canada from 1996 to 2006.

The Canadian Centre for Justice Statistics told me that they might be able to produce more detailed tables on sexual assault offences if you placed a custom request but this would be a fee based service as the tables don't exist as a standard product. The data in these tables would probably start in 1998, might specify if assaults occurred in the am or pm and wouldn't contain data from all police forces across Canada. But, as I mentioned above, these tables would only be available as a custom service for a fee.

Monday, October 15, 2007

Annual Survey of Manufactures and Logging


A student has discovered the on-line copy of the Annual Survey of Manufactures and Logging (ASML), and would like to obtain data from this survey. DLI access seems to end at 1995.

What is the status of the more recent data? Is it available in CANSIM?


Data from the Annual Survey of Manufactures and Logging (ASML) is available in CANSIM table 301-0006 "Principal statistics for manufacturing industries, by North American Industry Classification System (NAICS), annual (dollars unless otherwise noted)". Additional related (but often terminated) tables are listed at:

The Daily releases that are listed on:

These sources were located through the "Links to related products" section on the left side bar of the "Annual Survey of Manufactures and Logging (ASML)" page in the Definitions, data sources and methods of the STC website:

Friday, October 12, 2007

National Survey of Non-Profit and Voluntary Organizations PUMF


Will there be a PUMF for the National Survey of Non-Profit and Voluntary Organizations?


Due to confidentiality requirements, no PUMF was produced from the National Survey of Nonprofit and Voluntary Organizations (2003).

The following publications appear to be based on this survey and may be of interest:
Cornerstones of Community: Highlights from the National Survey of Nonprofit and Voluntary Organizations
Summary of the Findings of the National Survey of Nonprofit and Voluntary Organizations

Charitable Donations


A student is looking for data on charitable donations by individuals, by age, prior to 1997 or after 2005.


The 2004 edition of small area data: charitable donors, has data back to 1995 by age category, in the files saaddon_t01.xls and saaddon_t02.xls. The Small Area and Administrative Data Division may also be able to provide you with data prior to 1995.

An alternative would be to derive estimates from the survey of family expenditures.

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Open & Closed Mortgage Data


A student here is looking for data on the number of open and closed mortgages issued per year for some period of time. CANSIM appears to have nothing; neither does CMHC. Any ideas?


The Income Statistics Division does not have this data in their holdings. They indicated that the data might be available through the Bank of Canada. There may also be relevant data in the CMHC's NHA loan approval system and Conventional Lending Survey.

If it isn't available there, you might want to search industry sources to see if the figures have been published there. The CMHC Library might also be able to provide some suggestions. They can be reached at (613) 748-2367 or toll-free at 1-800-668-2642 (ask for the library).

Friday, October 5, 2007

DA Maps for PEI


Why are dissemination area reference maps unavailable for PEI under "Dissemination Area Reference Maps, by Census Tracts, for Census Metropolitan Areas and Census Agglomerations"


Maps for PEI aren't available through that page because PEI does not have CMAs or CAs which are part of the Census Tract program. (There are no census tracts in PEI). PEI has non-tracted Census Agglomerationss.

Dissemination area reference maps for PEI can be found under "Dissemination Area Reference Maps, by Non-tracted Census Agglomerations"

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Coal Prices


I have a user looking for coal prices. She is looking at the coal fired electricity plants in Ontario and wants to know the coat of coal.


The Manufacturing, Construction and Energy Division has confirmed that they don't publish prices for coal. Coal consumption and production data are available in Chapter 7 of the Energy Statistics Handbook, 57-601-XWE at:, but not prices.

Your user may also be interested in:
- CANSIM Table 330-0006 "Raw materials price indexes, monthly (index, 1997=100)" will give you a monthly price index for the price of coal (thermal) from 1991 to 2007. This will tell how you the price of coal (thermal) has varied over time. I checked with our Prices Division and they can't provide actual coal prices, only indexes.

- Although more general, your student may wish to consult the other coal related STC products and publications available at

- And finally, NRCAN has an interesting Mineral and Metal Commodity Review for Coal (2005) at .
The author or the NRCAN Minerals and Mining Statistics Division
may have some suggestions for you as well if you contact them directly.

DLI National Training Day Presentations

Presentations given at DLI National Training Day in Montreal (May 14, 2007) are available in the DLI Training Repository at

You can browse by date to view the National Training Day presentations.

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Community Profile - Ft. McMurray


Fort McMurray, Alberta has a population of approximately 41,000 people yet it does not show up in the 2001 or 2006 Community Profiles as a "stand alone" community rather it indicates that it is part of the regional municipality of Wood Buffalo. Is this because the municipality has almost no other population except for that of Fort McMurray?


Community Profiles will always direct you to an incorporated municipality; there is a note to this effect in the Help/FAQ section:

"The data are available only for municipalities or their equivalent counties and metropolitan areas. Data are not available for 'unincorporated' places."

This includes some very well known places which are now parts of larger municipalities. If Wood Buffalo is the legal name for the place then that is what you will find in the census tables even though Fort McMurray may be better known. The way around this is to identify the dissemination areas that make up the part you are interested in and use the DA profiles for data.

Home Ownership in Newfoundland


A patron wants information on home ownership in Newfoundland, i.e. those who own their homes and those with an outstanding mortgage. She'd also like an urban-rural breakdown, if available, and with stats covering 1950 onwards. I tried the following:

1) CANSIM - found nothing.
2) CMHC materials do not cover what she's looking for. There's one multi-volume CMHC title in Microlog that she'll consult shortly.
3) A variable search in IDLS retrieved the Survey of Financial Security for 1999 and 2005. 2005 only provides a breakdown for the Atlantic region, but 1999 does cover Newfoundland. Using the DLS site from U of T, we did a cross-tabulation of home ownership by province (weighted), but this provides her with a 1999 snapshot only. It seems like she'll get bits & pieces rather than a convenient and continuous time stretch that doesn't appear to exist.
4) Census info covers "owned" and "rented", with no elaboration about "owned".
5) A colleague suggested debt statistics, but that takes me back to the Survey of Financial Security noted above in no. 3.

In terms of DLI data, is there anything I've missed?


A variable search in IDLS came up with the following files as being relevant to your user's question about mortgages. I didn't check to see that they all also have urban/rural (or size of area of residence) variables. The FAMEX and SHS series would probably be most useful.

- 1971 census - PUST individual file
- 1986 census - PUMS family file
- 1991 census - PUMS family file
- 1996 census - PUMF household file
- 1996 census - PUMF family file
- 2001 census - PUMF family file
- 2001 census - PUMF household file
- General Social Survey 1990 / 1991
- Survey of Approaches to Educational Planning 2002
- Survey of Consumer Finances, 1972: Household Income (1971), Facilities and Equipment (1972)
- Survey of Consumer Finances, 1977: Income (1976), Assets and Debts (1977), of Economic Families and Unattached Individuals
- Survey of Consumer Finances, 1984: Income (1983), Assets and Debts (1984), of Economic Families and Unattached Individuals
- Survey of Consumer Finances, 1985: Household Income (1984), Facilities and Equipment (1985)
- Survey of Consumer Finances, 1991: Household Income (1990), Facilities and Equipment (1991)
- Survey of Family Expenditures, 1969 / 1974 / 1978 / 1982 / 1984 / 1986 /1990 / 1992 / 1996
- Survey of Financial Security, 1999
- Survey of Household Spending, 1997 / 1998 / 1999 / 2000 / 2001 / 2002 / 2003 / 2004 / 2005
- Survey on Ageing and Independence: August 1991

You may also wish to consult CANSIM table 203-0019. This table is based on the Survey of Household Spending and it will provide you with estimated number of households reporting (x 1,000) and Percent of households reporting an Owned dwelling, an Owned dwelling with mortgage(s) or an Owned dwelling without mortgage. This table will give you data for Newfoundland andLabrador or St.John's from 1997 to 2005.

Census Tract (CT) Correspondence File 2001 and 2006 Census

The census tract correspondence file for the 2001 and 2006 Census is available in Excel format on the DLI FTP site at
/ftp/dli/geography/2006/correspondence_files_fichiers_de_correspondance(da-sd_db-sd). The file on the FTP was produced for technical users and lists 2001 Census tracts and the corresponding Census Tracts in the 2006 Census.

A 2001 to 2006 CT correspondence table will also be included in the 2006 Census Tract Profile publications. You can take a look at the 2001 Census Tract Profile print publications for an example of the type of correspondence table has been included in the CT Profile publications.