Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Home Ownership in Newfoundland


A patron wants information on home ownership in Newfoundland, i.e. those who own their homes and those with an outstanding mortgage. She'd also like an urban-rural breakdown, if available, and with stats covering 1950 onwards. I tried the following:

1) CANSIM - found nothing.
2) CMHC materials do not cover what she's looking for. There's one multi-volume CMHC title in Microlog that she'll consult shortly.
3) A variable search in IDLS retrieved the Survey of Financial Security for 1999 and 2005. 2005 only provides a breakdown for the Atlantic region, but 1999 does cover Newfoundland. Using the DLS site from U of T, we did a cross-tabulation of home ownership by province (weighted), but this provides her with a 1999 snapshot only. It seems like she'll get bits & pieces rather than a convenient and continuous time stretch that doesn't appear to exist.
4) Census info covers "owned" and "rented", with no elaboration about "owned".
5) A colleague suggested debt statistics, but that takes me back to the Survey of Financial Security noted above in no. 3.

In terms of DLI data, is there anything I've missed?


A variable search in IDLS came up with the following files as being relevant to your user's question about mortgages. I didn't check to see that they all also have urban/rural (or size of area of residence) variables. The FAMEX and SHS series would probably be most useful.

- 1971 census - PUST individual file
- 1986 census - PUMS family file
- 1991 census - PUMS family file
- 1996 census - PUMF household file
- 1996 census - PUMF family file
- 2001 census - PUMF family file
- 2001 census - PUMF household file
- General Social Survey 1990 / 1991
- Survey of Approaches to Educational Planning 2002
- Survey of Consumer Finances, 1972: Household Income (1971), Facilities and Equipment (1972)
- Survey of Consumer Finances, 1977: Income (1976), Assets and Debts (1977), of Economic Families and Unattached Individuals
- Survey of Consumer Finances, 1984: Income (1983), Assets and Debts (1984), of Economic Families and Unattached Individuals
- Survey of Consumer Finances, 1985: Household Income (1984), Facilities and Equipment (1985)
- Survey of Consumer Finances, 1991: Household Income (1990), Facilities and Equipment (1991)
- Survey of Family Expenditures, 1969 / 1974 / 1978 / 1982 / 1984 / 1986 /1990 / 1992 / 1996
- Survey of Financial Security, 1999
- Survey of Household Spending, 1997 / 1998 / 1999 / 2000 / 2001 / 2002 / 2003 / 2004 / 2005
- Survey on Ageing and Independence: August 1991

You may also wish to consult CANSIM table 203-0019. This table is based on the Survey of Household Spending and it will provide you with estimated number of households reporting (x 1,000) and Percent of households reporting an Owned dwelling, an Owned dwelling with mortgage(s) or an Owned dwelling without mortgage. This table will give you data for Newfoundland andLabrador or St.John's from 1997 to 2005.

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