Monday, February 19, 2007

Seed Statistics


The following is a question from a PhD student:

Would you please advise me about whether statistics on the amount of seed that is saved ("Saved seeds" being those collected by farmers from the previous years' crops for use in future years) by Canadian farmers is available and if so, how I might obtain it. Preferably, there would be statistics collected in various years so a comparison could be made; however, I would also be interested in the latest collected data on this topic.

As a worst case alternative, if there is data on the amount of certified seed used, the acreage seeded, and the recommended rates of seeding I suppose I could calculate the amount of non-certified seed used in various years. However, since this would not necessarily indicate the amount of seed saved, obviously real statistics on saved seed would be most helpful.


The Census of Agriculture does not collect the information, and I asked the Agriculture Division for their input. It follows:

We calculate the total amount of seed used by multiplying the seeded area by average seeding rates. The seed data are published in supply-disposition tables for the major grains and special crops. These tables are available in catalogue 22-007 Cereals and oilseeds review for free on the Statistics Canada website under Publications and are also on CANSIM, tables 41 and 42 for a small fee (*but available free of charge through E-Stat or CHASS if you subscribe*).

The calculated seed data are likely also available from the Crop Reporting Unit of the Agriculture Division as a special tabulation for a fee.

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