Friday, February 16, 2007

Monthly Variable for GSS 19


I have a student trying to look at seasonable variations in how people use their time.

The General Social Survey 19 on time use was done between January and November and could be used to look at seasonal variations, if there was a variable to identify the month in which each survey was completed. We found a day of the week variable, but no month or other date variable.

Has anyone else faced this problem?

If they had access to the whole GSS file through the Research Data Centre, would they be able to access the month variable?


We don't have that variable in the PUMF anymore because of the confidentiality. The month variable is only with the analytical file. If he can get access to the RDC, he can access these files. He can also ask for a custom tabulation but their would be a cost.

The GSS 12, 1998, also on time use, does include a month of interview variable, but it is almost 10 years old.

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