October 21, 2020
The Sensitive Data Expert Group of the Portage Network is pleased to announce the publication of three new tools for researchers relating to the management of sensitive research data:
- a Glossary of Terms for Sensitive Data used for Research Purposes,
- a Human Participant Research Data Risk Matrix,
- and a document providing samples of Research Data Management Language for Informed Consent
These tools were created to help researchers understand how research data are related to the research ethics process, and to advance research data management (RDM) practices, such as data sharing and deposit, in the context of existing research ethics frameworks. The three tools are intended to work together as a suite of resources, but can also be used individually. All the tools are available in English and French.
The Portage Network’s Sensitive Data Expert Group has broad membership from research stakeholder communities - including research ethics professionals, representatives of funding agencies, and members of Indigenous organizations - with direct interests in sensitive research data. The group works together to develop practical guidance and tools for managing sensitive data in the Canadian landscape.
For more information, please contact Victoria Smith, Policy, Privacy, & Sensitive Data Coordinator, victoria.smith@carl-abrc.ca.