Friday, June 22, 2018

Survey of Household Spending

The Survey of Household Spending on nesstar ends at 2009.

The Survey of Household Spending at CHASS ends at 2009

The Survey of Household Spending at ends at 2011

The Survey of  Household Spending in the RDCs ends at 2015.

How can someone at an institution that does not have a RDC get the newest data?

A lot of the data tables are now available in CANSIM. Interesting comparison, I think for a couple years we were still getting aggregate data from DLI for the SHS so we kept loading in . But that stopped in 2011.

The (formerly) CANSIM tables go up to 2016. You can access them from this page -

Here is an inventory of the Excel tables from the Survey of Household Spending found in the former CANSIM tables.  See column C.  (Table provided by University of Ottawa).