I’m working with an experienced researcher who is seeking any data which might cover the experiences, perceptions, health status (or anything even related) of LGBTQ+ refugees or immigrants in Canada.
I have looked at the Canadian Community Health Survey (CCHS), and the General Social Survey (GSS) in Nesstar. Both do have a variable related to sexual identity, and also immigration/citizenship status, but I think, to access this data (specifically the sexual identity data), my researcher would need to apply to an RDC. Please let me know if I’m wrong about that!
I’ve searched various Canadian data repositories, Google (of course), relevant organizations and associations (e.g. Canadian Council for Refugees, Rainbow Refugee), and scoured the cited sources in many related articles. So far I’ve found lots of relevant information, but no actual data or statistics.
Any suggestions or ideas would be very welcome.
Certain GSS cycles(Cycle 29, 27 SI, for example) do ask sexual orientation of the respondent as well as landed immigrant status, with available responses of:
I took a look to see if the variables are available in the PUMF, unfortunately they are only available in the analytical dataset. So yes, the client would need to access the RDC’S or request custom tabulations from us, at a cost.”
As well, in regards to the CCHS dataset, subject matter has replied with the following (similar answer):
“We might be able to provide a custom tab for the client. We won’t have data on refugees but we could cross Immigration with sexual orientation. This will come at a cost.”