Tuesday, May 26, 2015

NPHS Sense of Coherence


A researcher is looking at the “Sense of coherence” information found in the National Population Health Survey. This seems to appear in cycles 1, 3, and 8. Since cycles 1 and 3 have public use microdata files, we were able to have a look at this data. However, the researcher has many questions about this, which I am not able to explain. Specifically:

“I would like clarifications to the NPHS data on Psychological Wellbeing, specifically the 13 item Sense of Coherence (SOC) scale. My understanding based on Antonovsky's original 13 item SOC scale is that the questions are scored on a Likert type scale ranging from 1 to 7 with scores ranging from 1-91.

How did you obtain your minimum, maximum, and average scores with the Cycle 1 and 3?

Why are your scores ranging from 4-78 (cycle 1) and 0-78 (Cycle 3).

Specifically, what constitute a lower, higher, and average scores from the cycles (1 and 3)”


Please see response from subject matter:

I have attached some background info. Unfortunately there is no longer a team for NPHS. We do not have the specific answers for the questions, however the following information should help the researcher.

The attached articles, (the first 2 pdfs) named ‘A Healthy Outlook’ and ‘Healthy Aging’, examined sense of coherence. Also attached (3rdpdf) is the Cycle 8 derived variable documentation for Sense of Coherence Scale (ST_nDH1).

The Cycle 1 to 3 derived variable documentation excerpt is shown below:

19.3 Sense of Coherence Scale
Cycle 3 Name: PY_8DH1
Cycle 2 Name: N/A
Cycle 1 Name: PY_4DH1
Based on sum of PY_n_H1 to PY_n_H13
Min = 0 , Max = 78

The 13-item version of the sense of coherence scale developed by Antonovsky was used in the NPHS. It denotes the extent to which individuals perceive events as comprehensible, manageable and meaningful.

The concept of manageability is addressed in questions Q3, Q4, Q8 and Q10. Items Q1, Q9, Q11 and Q13 measure meaningfulness and items Q2, Q5, Q6, Q7, Q12 are related to the comprehensibility dimension.

Higher scores indicate a stronger sense of coherence.

Score was reversed for questions PY_n_H1, H2, H3, H8 and H13.