Thursday, March 25, 2010

Residential Telephone Service Survey (RTSS) 2007 - bootstrap files available

The bootstrap file and the bootstrap SAS file for the 2007 Residential Telephone Service Survey (RTSS) that were recently removed from the DLI FTP and website have been re-loaded on to these sites are are once again available for download. Management in the division that produces these bootstrap files has approved their release. We apologize for any inconvenience this change has caused you.

FTP: /DissFTP/dli/DLI Collection- **except Census; Geography and Trade**/Residential Telephone Service Survey - rtss/2007/12/data

/DissFTP/dli/DLI Collection- **except Census; Geography and Trade**/Residential Telephone Service Survey - rtss/2007/12/doc


1 comment:

  1. Why was the residential telephone survey temporarily removed? And is there some external way to track removed content from websites, maybe through google cache or something?


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