A researcher is seeking EI benefits by gender. She found CANSIM Table 276-0005, but this table doesn’t have a gender variable.
1)What about the Employment Insurance Coverage Survey (EICS)?
2) That is correct - the codebook for the EICS does indicate that there are variables for sex (SEX), benefits amount (BENAMNT) and benefits type (BENTYP). However, the PUMF is for 2007, so I have also forwarded your question to the author division in the hope that there is a way to get more current data. I will keep you posted.
3)It turns out that the EICS 2007 PUMF is your best bet. There are two separate surveys related to EI:
1. Employment Insurance Coverage Survey (EICS) 2007: this is the annual survey Sandra mentioned. The DLI has the PUMF and it contains the variables you need, but only for 2007.
2. Employment Insurance Statistics - Monthly (EIS): this is a monthly survey for which PUMFs are not produced. The CANSIM table you found comes from this survey.
Unfortunately, the author division of the latter (monthly) survey confirmed that they cannot provide the data presented in CANSIM table 276-0005 broken down by sex, not even for a fee.
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