Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Agriculture-Population Linkage Data for Small Geographies


On Tuesday December 4th, The Daily includes an article about the Agriculture-population linkage data for the 2006 Census. Some of this data is available on the Census website, for larger levels of geography. A researcher at the University of Manitoba is interested in finding out if this data for small levels of geography (Consolidated Census Subdivisions) will be available through the DLI, and if so, about when can we expect
this be available? Thanks in advance for any information you might provide.


Data resulting from the Agriculture-Population linkage is and will only be available at the provincial and national levels.

Data from the Census of Agriculture as a whole - containing farm and farm operator data - is available to a low level (CCS level for free via our internet site). The Ag-Pop linkage takes only those farm operators who filled in the long census of population form (20% of the population) and applies weights to make it representative of the whole farm population. Because this database is based on a 20% sample of the entire farm population the confidentiality concerns and quality requirements does not permit distribution of
the data at sub-provincial levels.

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