Thursday, February 2, 2006

CA data for 1971


A researcher is gathering CSD and CA age & sex population data for various BC communities going back to 1971. The only thing we seem to be missing at this point is 1971 CA data for the Terrace CA. Can anyone tell me if this exists anywhere and, if it does not exist, why? I am thinking that there was not a CA for Terrace until the following (1976) census?

Answers and Responses

1. As far as I can tell, in 1971 Terrace was CA number 152, see:
which was keypunched straight from the 1971 census aggregate tables documentation.

2. Unfortunately, our Census and Geography Divisions came up with a different answer:

From the information I have been able to find Terrace was not a CA in 1971 but it was in 1976. In 1971 in the publication cat #92-708 Table 9 lists the CA's with a population of 25,000 and over and Terrace does not appear. In 1976 in publication 92-806 Table 6 it does appear as a CA.

I did find the 1971 Census Place Name Reference List and the population of Terrace, BC SGC type SD (census subdivision) for 1971 was 9991. There is also a second entry for Terrace, BC with the SGC type PL (unincorporated place) with a population of 7820.

3. The DLI now has both the data and the metadata for the file requested (BST B1DEMB01, Table 2). You can find them on the DLI FTP site at the following address: /ftp/dli/census/1971/bst71 . The record lay out is found in the folder called "Record Layout".

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