Thursday, January 12, 2006

2001 Census - Population and Dwelling Counts by Postal Code


Does a file (from Statistics Canada or elsewhere) exist with current (or near-current) postal codes exist containing 2001 population and dwelling counts?

Version 8.3 of the DMTI CanMap Postal Geography contains 1996 population and dwelling counts.


This is the answer we received from geo division

I think the client must have received a version of the PCCF with population and dwelling counts as produced by DMTI. Our Postal Code Conversion File (PCCF) does not contain population and dwelling counts. I think that DMTI joined the PCCF with information from GeoRef 1996 to create a file with population and dwelling counts. The next release of the PCCF is scheduled for January 31, 2006.

If your client has a copy of GeoSuite 2001 then a join can be performed between that file and the latest PCCF to get a PCCF file with 2001 population and dwelling counts.

****Also on a side note*****

The January 2006 Postal code conversion file (PCCF) - 92F0153UCE and the Postal codes by federal riding file (PCFRF) (2003 Representation Order) - 92F0193UCB will be released on Tuesday, January 31, 2006. Both the PCCF and PCFRF reflect postal code data from the Canada Post Corporation up to and including October 2005.

The PCCF will again contain the Federal Electoral Districts for both the 1996 and 2003 Representation Orders.

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