Wednesday, January 12, 2005

Statistics for the Maritimes


A patron is looking for the following information by Census Division for 1950 to the present for the maritime provinces - NB, NS, and PEI - income per capita, unemployment, average wages, births deaths and population. She was referred to the Taxfiler Data files but they are only available for 1995-1999. Any ideas where I should go to get this info for the other years?


For income per capita, and/or average wages:
1983-1989: Income estimates for sub-provincial areas (print; STC 13-216)
1984-1988: Urban FSA and rural postal code summary data (print; STC 17-602)
other years: census years only (1951, 1961, 1971 1981-2001)
(remember that prior to 1971, the census collected only earned income, and only in census years ending in '1' prior to 1986)

For unemployment:
all years: census years only (1951, 1961, 1971 1981-2001)
1976-2003: Labour force historical review (by economic region only, not census division)

For births, deaths, and population, there is CD-level data in CANSIM I & II:
1925-1970: Vital statistics (print only; STC 84-202)
1971-1973: 84-204 (table 6)
1974-1976: Principal vital statistics by local areas (84-207)
1976/77-1986: CANSIM I matrices 6486, 6487 6488, or CANSIM II 51-0030
1987/87-2001: CANSIM I matrices 9236, 9237 and 9238, or CANSIM II: matrices 51-0014, 51-0015

Also, Taxfiler Data files may be available in print for previous years - check your collection.

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