Could anyone tell me if there is a DA / CT code concordance?
If I have a specific DA code, found in an .ivt file, e.g. 35390360192, I can identify that it is a London DA from the CD and CSD codes, but is there a simple way of finding where in London that DA is, without searching every CT in the Dissemination Maps?
A concordance, or listing under CT?
You can use GeoSuite 2001 to find in which CD a DA belongs. GeoSuite can be downloaded from the DLI FTP site and is located under the directory: geography/2001/geosuite.
I just did the following search to create a correspondence listing of DA-CD's in London.
A. From the main menu: Name Search
B. Enter Name: London and select (highlight) London CSD
C. Click NEXT and select Dissemination Areas (click on radio button)
D. Click NEXT and double-click on DAuid, scroll down to CTname and CT and double-click on both of them.
E. Click NEXT and the correspondence table will be displayed.
The code breakdown can be explained as follows:
The 2001 Census DA-level tables in B2020 use an eleven-digit code for DA's, while GeoSuite and GeoSearch use an eight-digit code. Here are the breakdowns of these codes given the above example:
DA-level 2001 Census Table: 35390360192
35 : Province
39 : CD
036 : CSD
0192 : DA
GeoSearch result for this DA: 35390192
35 : Province
39 : CD
0192 : DA
The definitons for CTname and CT are provided in GeoSuite.
CTname: The three-digit CMA code precedes the CTname (a number, not an actual name)
Census Tract Code (or CT in GeoSuite): each Census Tract is assigned a four-digit code.
Where does the 3599 come from? It is the four-digit Census Tract Code.
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