Wednesday, July 12, 2023

Data Lens AB | Updates from Statistics Canada, June 2023

June 21, 2023

The 2021 Census Dissemination Project is pleased to announce the additional release of census data.


This product presents information from the Census of Population focusing on the Indigenous identity population and Indigenous households of various geographic areas.


These geographic areas include: Canada, provinces and territories, census metropolitan areas and census agglomerations, census divisions, census subdivisions, Métis settlements, Inuit regions, and First Nation or Indian band and Tribal Council areas.


Data are available for the Indigenous identity population by age groups and gender for selected socio-demographic characteristics.


Indigenous Population Profile, 2021 Census of Population (


Using new data from the 2021 Census, this article provides a portrait of non-permanent residents (NPRs) living in Canada. More specifically, this article takes a closer look at the socio-demographic picture of NPRs, such as age, place of residence, place of birth, living arrangements, education and occupation. For the first time, the 2021 Census incorporated administrative information from Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada on the types of non-permanent residents. The article explores this new information on non-permanent resident type and reports on NPRs who came to Canada to work, study or seek refugee protection….Read more


Non-permanent residents in Canada: Portrait of a growing population from the 2021 Census


Click here for more 2021 Census of Population - Analytical products

Wednesday, July 5, 2023

Democratizing data: new interactive map empowers Canadians to access immigration data

October 17, 2022

From the University of Saskatchewan:

“Let’s say you want to know how many asylum seekers came to Canada from Iran in 2020. Where do you go to find out? What if you want to apply for a grant to start an after school program in Lethbridge and you need to know how many 14-year-old refugee children live in the area? Now, you can click a mouse button and find the answers.”

Read more on this at Democratizing data: new interactive map empowers Canadians to access immigration data courtesy of the University of Saskatchewan news, October 14, 2022.

2021 Census Postsecondary Research Kit

October 4, 2022

Statistics Canada has released a new resource for students: the 2021 Census Postsecondary Research Kit. This user-friendly toolkit is designed for use by CEGEP, college and university students looking to use census data in their research.

As more and more data sources are competing for students’ attention, the need for credible, trustworthy information is more vital than ever. That is why we are committed to fostering statistical literacy and building the next generation of census users.

This new toolkit shows students:

  • what types of data the census provides
  • why census data matter
  • how to find census data online, including data on different populations and regions
  • how the data can be used to answer complex research questions.

You can find the 2021 Census Postsecondary Research Kit along with other educator resources on the Statistics Canada Census Engagement page.