Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Enumeration area maps for historical censuses

what are the odds of finding enumeration area (EA) maps for the 1961 and 1971 censuses?

Specifically, I'm looking to determine which rural fringe EAs correspond to the areas later amalgamated into Timmins but which were not considered part of the CA/major urban centre in each of those census years.

It would be great to inventory paper and digital maps, it is on our radar for next year as part of the older census boundaries project. Some good news though, you may soon be able to get 1971 Census EAs in digital boundary form. Statistics Canada will be releasing this in the New Year as part of a data restoration project Giuseppe Filoso is working on (cc’d on this message).

For now, you can see some maps available through the Internet Archive, and population centre points for EAs in the GeoPortal, but I’m not sure if they cover the rural areas around Timmins.

1961 Census Reference Maps (Major urban areas) https://archive.org/stream/1961925381962engfra#page/n83/mode/2up

1971 Census Geographic Attribute File (EAs population centre points) http://geo.scholarsportal.info/#r/details/_uri@=809361798

The Statistical Registers and Geography Division has confirmed that they are working on a project to convert and update historical data holdings. It’s a work in progress and is currently prioritized by requests.