A graduate student is looking for the following information:
1) a provincial breakdown of FDI in Canada.
I searched the DLI list and found a message dated January 5, 2012 from Marie-Josée Lamontagne of the Balance of Payments Division stating that no such breakdown was available. I want to confirm that this is still the case.
Also, if Statistics Canada does not have that information, can anyone suggest another source? This report <> from a firm called FDI Intelligence provides some data at the provincial/state level for North America. They cite their source as fDi Market, their own database, which unfortunately we do not subscribe to. Any other idea?
2) Historical unemployment data
This CANSIM table ( provides data back to 1976. Is there any source of data, at the provincial level, going further back? I checked in Historical Statistics of Canada, but the data is only at the National level
3) Historical GDP, again by province
CANSIM table ( covers 1981 onward. Any data for previous years? Again, Historical Statistics of Canada has only national level data.
You are correct that the data is not available by province. Unfortunately, the data on Foreign direct investment in Canada is not available by province either. We will continue looking into this for you.