Friday, October 17, 2008

Updated Products - Input-Output Tables

National Input - Output Tables (Catalogue no. 15F0041XDB)

Level L, M, S, W

The Input-Output accounting system consists of three tables. The input tables (USE tables) detail the commodities that are consumed by various industries. Output tables (MAKE tables) detail the commodities that are produced by various industries. Final demand tables detail the commodities bought by many categories of buyers (consumers, industries and government) for both consumption and investment purposes. These tables allow users to track intersectional exchanges of goods and services between industries and final demand categories such as personal expenditures, capital expenditures and public sector expenditures.

There are four levels of detail: the "W" or Worksheet level with 303 industries, 727 commodities and 170 final demand categories, the "L" or Link level (the most detailed level that allows the construction of consistent time series of annual data from 1961 to 2002) with 117 industries, 469 commodities and 123 final demand categories, the "M" or Medium level with 62 industries, 111 commodities and 39 final demand categories, and the "S" or Small level with 25 industries, 59 commodities and 16 final demand categories.


FTP: /ftp/dli/input-output-tables_entrées-sorties-tableaux

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