Thursday, November 15, 2007

Benefits of Beyond 20/20


I am interested in descriptions how Data Librarians offer and when they used Beyond 20/20 data.


1) The B2020 files have a great deal of value. The first thing is the interface. It is extremely intuitive and powerful - students pick it up very quickly. (the intuitiveness of B2020 has been challenged by some)

The second is the type of data and how it is indexed/presented. I find it easy to wade through census tables using B2020.

If you are looking to introduce data to non-data librarians this is a good door in.

2) Since so many commonly used resources are only available in Beyond 20/20 format, I don't see how one can avoid using it:
- Annual estimates of employment earnings and hours
- Canadian business patterns
- Labour force historical review
- Income trends in Canada
- Canada's retirement income programs
- CCJS statistics
- not to mention the cd-rom versions of some UN and pretty much all OECD products

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