Thursday, March 9, 2006

Sudanese in Winnipeg


A student wants information on the Sudanese population of Winnipeg. It looks to me like this info is not available on the Statcan Web or via DLI. Is there some other source that I should know about?

The only files found don't go further than CA or CMA.


I am assuming that you are looking for data for the Census Subdivision (CSD) of Winnipeg and not the Census Metropolitan Area.

Data at the CSD level include:

Visible Minority (within the Ethnocultural Portrait of Canada Module), Aggregated Place of birth (would not allow you to identify Sudanese - in the Immigration and Citizenship module)

Simply put, the closest data your patron will find is at the CMA geography level of Winnipeg. All of the data found at the CSD is too aggregated and does not meet his needs (does not identify Sudanese persons).

Try to convince your patron to use CMA data - otherwise, I think something can be created at a fee (custom tabulation).

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