Tuesday, November 21, 2017

Childcare in Canada


I’m hoping someone can help me out here. I need help finding up-to-date statistics related to child care in Canada:

  • Demographics of those accessing of child care
  • Money spent on child care including subsidies
  • Businesses that offer child care to employees

Any help at all would be much appreciated!

The following sources have been suggested:

  • Employment patterns of families with children: http://www.statcan.gc.ca/pub/75-006-x/2015001/article/14202-eng.htm

  • General Social Survey, Cycle 25: Family, 2011 Public Use Microdata Files (12M0025X): http://www5.statcan.gc.ca/olc-cel/olc.action?objId=12M0025X&ObjType=2&lang=en&limit=0 
    • The 2011 survey updated most of the information collected in previous surveys, including leaving the family home, conjugal history (marriages, common-law unions, separations and divorces), children (biological, adopted or step), maternity and parental leave, childcare arrangements, intentions to form (or re-form) a union, fertility intentions, custody and financial support agreements and work history.

  • Child care in Canada study:http://www.statcan.gc.ca/pub/89-652-x/89-652-x2014005-eng.htm
    • Using the 2011 GSS on Families, this report provides an overview of child care in Canada, examining its overall use, factors influencing use, types of child care arrangements, and cost.

These are available through the DLI.

Wednesday, November 15, 2017

Administrative Segregation / Solitary Confinement Canada - Statistics

I have found quite a lot of information about the topic* but not statistics, yet.  A student is wanting to know how many people (and other related details) are put in administrative segregation in Canadian jails.  Apparently, solitary confinement isn't the correct word to use in Canada.

The flip side of the coin is that she wants to study psychological effects caused by this.

*Administrative Segregation / Solitary Confinement Canada

I noticed this new Corrections Service Canada directive to track details, http://www.csc-scc.gc.ca/politiques-et-lois/709-cd-eng.shtml#s12 , so better statistics could be coming?

The statistics must exist since there are summary statistics like “We have … decreased the segregation population by a third.” (page 1) http://www.csc-scc.gc.ca/005/007/092/005007-4500-2015-2016-eng.pdf .  I asked the Canadian Police College Library about whom to contact for help with existing statistics and they suggested the general number of  Corrections Service Canada for official (but not perhaps not publicly reported) statistics.  In the meantime, these might be some shortcuts (these being some very quick Canadian public policy collections search results_:

Profile of offenders in administrative segregation: a review of the literature By Bottos, Shauna ; Correctional Service Canada. Research Branch, 2015.

Administrative segregation in federal corrections : 10 year trends Canada. Office of the Correctional Investigator Ottawa, Ontario,  2016

A profile of women in segregation - Thompson, Jennie Mae ; Rubenfeld, Sara ; Correctional Service Canada. Research Branch Ottawa, Ontario : 2016


  • It's a matter of time : systemic review of secure isolation in Ontario youth justice facilities. Ontario. Office of the Provincial Advocate for Children and Youth ©2015
  • other topics relating to impact like aboriginal identity, mental health, and
  • a very old book from the US:  An inquiry into the alleged tendency of the separation of convicts,: one from the other, to produce disease and derangement Packard, Frederick A. Philadelphia, E.C. & J. Biddle, 1849

Wednesday, November 8, 2017

Financial Performance Indicators

The latest Financial Performance Indicators on the DLI ftp site goes up to 2011. Is there anything more recent available or has it been superseded by a different product?

Now available from Industry Canada as Financial Performance Data: https://www.ic.gc.ca/eic/site/pp-pp.nsf/eng/home

Tuesday, November 7, 2017

Business and Business Type by Smaller Units of Geography

I have a researcher wondering there is data on the number of business and types of businesses by smaller levels of census geography (CT or FSA)? Is this data available? 

The University of Toronto Map and Data Library dataverse appears to have this data: Canadian Business Patterns, Dissemination Area (DA) Level. In addition to the DAs for 2012-2016, they also have DA, CA/CMA, and CSD level files for various years in the period 2007-2011. Here’s the full list of what U of T purchased:


McGill just purchased the CT-level CBCounts.  Since these data are governed by the open data license we can share no problem.  I can send you a link if you want the CT as well.

Friday, November 3, 2017

National Pollutant Release Inventory data - Clarification

I have a student using data from the National Pollutant Release Inventory (http://ec.gc.ca/inrp-npri/donnees-data/index.cfm?do=facility_history&lang=En&opt_npri_id=0000003419&opt_report_year=2016). She is wondering if data in the Volatile organic compounds (NA-M16) section includes data from other VOCs also included on the page (e.g. Xylene which is also on the page).

Volatile organic compounds are reportable as a group under Part 4 of the NPRI reporting requirements and it does include data from other VOCs, such as xylene. A number of individual VOCs are reportable under Part 1A and Part 5 of the NPRI reporting requirements and care should be taken to avoid double or triple counting the same VOCs reportable to multiple NPRI parts. Part 5 substances are speciated VOCs and are essentially a breakdown of the total amount of VOCs.

For the linked facility, xylene is reported under Part 1A and Part 5 and they are included in the Total VOCs reported under Part 4. Part 5 substances can be reached through the query site by clicking on any year of the Volatile Organic Compounds table. However, the query site doesn’t show the amount of part 5 substances releases from stacks above 50 meters. This data can be found on our Single Year Tabular Data or the complete MS Access database.