Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Input-output table in NAICS

I am working as a trade policy analyst at the OECD.

For a current research project I am looking for a Canadian input-output table (or supply and use tables) in the NAICS classification (3-digits or more) for a year before 2003. I would only need it for one year but I have been struggling to find these data in the NAICS classification.

Would you be able to confirm the following:

“Does the individual need industry by product supply and use tables or industry by industry symmetric input-output tables?”

I should be able to get these on the EFT today or tomorrow, just let me know which they’d like!

Follow-up Response:
They would like - ‘’Industry by industry symmetric input-output tables would be ideal; in the NAICS classification (3-digits) for a year before 2003 (e.g. 2002).’’

I’ve placed them on the EFT here: /MAD_DLI_IDD_DAM/Root/other_autres/1401_IO_ES/15-207-X - 2002 National Symmetric Input-Output Tables - L61 Level