Tuesday, January 3, 2017

Monthly Electricity Statistics for Quebec

I have received a request from a student looking for hydroelectricity generation and usage data in Quebec. They are specifically looking for the amount hydroelectricity generated from the La Grande watershed/reservoir system from the mid 1970s to present. Is Statistics Canada able to provide data at that geographic level by custom tabulation or otherwise? I have been able to find Quebec wide data in from the Monthly Electricity Supply and Disposition Survey in CANSIM Table 127-0001 and CANSIM Table 127-0002.

They also want monthly energy consumption statistics by cities located in Quebec with a specific interest in Montreal and the amount of electricity Quebec sells to New York. If this data is not available from Statistics Canada, I would be open to any suggestions from the DLI community.

“Unfortunately, I am unable to provide data at the level of detail that the student is looking for. My surveys only offer aggregate statistics at the provincial and national levels.”

Maybe this could help:

I guess that international exportation from Québec should be to USA...

ISQ Exportations internationales mensuelles désaisonnalisées par produits, dollars constants de 2007, Québec (25 janvier 2017)
ISQ Exportations internationales mensuelles désaisonnalisées par produits, dollars courants, Québec (25 janvier 2017)
ISQ Exportations internationales mensuelles désaisonnalisées par sections, divisions, groupes et classes du système de classification des produits de l'Amérique du Nord (SCPAN), dollars constants de 2007, Québec (25 janvier 2017)
ISQ Exportations internationales mensuelles désaisonnalisées par sections, divisions, groupes et classes du système de classification des produits de l'Amérique du Nord (SCPAN), dollars courants, Québec (25 janvier 2017)
ISQ Exportations internationales mensuelles par produits, dollars courants, Québec (25 janvier 2017)
ISQ Exportations internationales mensuelles par sections, divisions, groupes et classes du système de classification des produits de l'Amérique du Nord (SCPAN), dollars courants, Québec (25 janvier 2017)

“I am not able to offer information at the state level in the US. Cross border deliveries from a province are acknowledged as deliveries to the US only.”