Monday, February 9, 2009

Salary and salary scales of full-time teaching staff at Canadian universities


The Daily announced that there was supplementary data available on December 10 for this product. I looked on the DLI FTP site and didn't see it. Do you know when we will be getting the supplementary data, if at all? I have a staff member looking for this.


The Dec. 10 release is for preliminary data from the University and College Academic Staff System (UCASS) survey. For this survey, the author division produces preliminary data (for institutions that completed the survey before December) and final data (which contains data for all institutions that have reported by March). The Division only provides the DLI with updated data once they have the final data in March. They do not provide us with the preliminary data.

If you wanted the preliminary data in particular, you would need to order it from the division. Please be aware that custom UCASS data starts at $250 and the price varies depending on what is needed.

Please let me know if your staff member is interested in ordering the custom UCASS data.

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