Monday, January 26, 2015

Marriage Instability Among Interracial Couples

I’m helping a researcher looking at marriage instability and divorce among interracial couples in Canada, including Aboriginal peoples. is there a survey that includes questions related to interracial conjugal status?The GSS comes close, but when I filter by marital status = separated or divorced, all the results go to 0 since the questions about characteristics of the partner/spouse refer to a current one.


I have not been able to identify a specific survey that would meet your request. I have noted the two following sources:

1.) Vital Statistics - Divorce Database

This is an administrative survey that collects demographic information annually from the Central Registry of Divorce Proceedings (CRDP) at the Department of Justice Canada on all completed divorce proceedings in Canada. The data are used to calculate basic indicators (such as counts and rates) on divorces occurring in Canada. Information from this database is also used in the calculation of statistics, such as duration-specific divorce rates.

Detailed information for 2008; Data release - July 13, 2011 (2008 is the last year for which these data were collected.)

CASIM tables related: <>

2.) General Social Survey - Family (GSS)

The two primary objectives of the General Social Survey (GSS) are: to gather data on social trends in order to monitor changes in the living conditions and well being of Canadians over time; and to provide information on specific social policy issues of current or emerging interest.

This survey monitors the changes in the structure of families with respect to marriages, common-law unions, children and fertility intentions.

Detailed information for 2011 (Cycle 25); Data release - July 18, 2012

Of potential interest is the article "Parenting and Child Support After Separation or Divorce," part of the publication Spotlight on Canadians: Results from the General Social Survey (Catalogue number89-652-X)

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There is also a PUMF and a custom request may also be an option.