Friday, January 14, 2011

Number of Engineers & Geoscientists Working in Businesses with Less Than 5 Employees in Alberta


I am looking for the number of engineers and geoscientists working in businesses with less than 5 employees in Alberta (most recent number available). If you have any suggestions, I would appreciate the help.



This information unfortunately doesn't seem to be readily available in a recent StatCan standard aggregated data product.

Occupation related data for Alberta are available from surveys such as the Census for example but these wouldn't include information on business size. Other surveys and programs (Survey of Employment, Payrolls and Hours - SEPH for example) could provide employment information by industry (NAICS) and enterprise size but unfortunately wouldn't include occupation related variables.

Survey of Labour and Income Dynamics (SLID) seems to have both occupation related variables and employer related variables ( but the smallest range for number of employees seems to be "less than 20" employees so I don't expect that this would meet your client's needs. I am also not sure that this survey would be appropriate to produce the estimates you need but would be happy to ask our SLID contacts to advise if you are interested in SLID. If you also wish to look into SLID, SLID public use microdata files are available through the DLI and analytical files through the RDCs. SLID data are also be available as a custom product on a cost recovery basis.

I hope that this information is helpful.

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